Friday, February 10, 2012

Do we all suffer from loom lust?

My fellow Tuesday Weaver, Maggie, was talking about loom lust on the blog. Do all weavers have that at some point in our weaving lives? Isn't it strange how that works? We see a loom and then can't get it out of our minds. We can't even sleep! Several years ago I saw an ad for the prettiest loom I have ever seen. I contacted the seller and found out it only had a 24" weaving width. I told the seller it was too narrow for my needs. Then that night I couldn't sleep! I couldn't get that loom out of my mind. How often does a loom that looks like that come my way? I contacted her the next day and told her I would buy it. Then my son and I drove to middle Tennessee to pick it up. This loom was made by Anders Lervad. I was never able to find out what year it was made. Some of these were made with carving on the castle but this one is plain. It has become my scarf loom.  So what do you think? Isn't it pretty. This picture was taken when my studio was in the basement. Things were so cramped then.

Yesterday I rethreaded this loom. This meant I had to get down on the floor and retie the treadles, too. I was hesitant to do it just in case I couldn't get back up. My family wasn't home to rescue me if I got into trouble. I have to say.....not only did I get down on the floor but I was able to get back up without any problems! This is no small feat when you have had your knees replaced. When I had both replaced in June of 2010 people kept asking me if I was glad I had it done. I told them no. Even after a year and a half I could never say that about my right knee. Then I found out that the doctor had missed something when he did the surgery that made my knee unstable. Now, just a little over 8 weeks after having my knee replaced again ( different doctor ) I can honestly say I AM glad I had it done. This knee is doing very well! Whew, it has been a long time coming but now I can get back to weaving and doing the things I want to do.



  1. I'm glad you're back to weaving (and getting under the loom!) This weekend will be a good weaving time!

  2. We ADMIRE you addiction....

  3. Can't say I have!lol I am glad you can get up and down and happy to hear you say you are glad you did it. Keep improving.

  4. Yeah! I am so glad that the right knee is getting better. Now you can do the things that you want to.

  5. That's a pretty unforgettable loom! It's beautiful. Must be like weaving on a really gorgeous piece of furniture.

  6. We have one of these looms in our basement! Never knew anything about it! Do you have any idea what it might be worth?
