Thursday, September 15, 2016

Around the studio

I wish you could smell these flowers! We have them growing in a couple of places. This time of year they smell wonderful! They are a fall blooming clematis.

Another thing I tried growing again this year is cotton. I don't have a lot of plants and these are growing in a large pot on our deck. This is what I found this week.

The Lervad #2 has been empty for a couple of years and long past due for a warp.  It is the prettiest loom I have ever seen! I decided to put on a warp for a couple of walker bags. I have since woven it off but I didn't take a picture of the finished product. Here are pictures of the loom.

Isn't it pretty? It has ties to the Hull House in Chicago. I am not sure how old it is but it is old. It was made by Anders Lervad. When I first saw the ad for this loom many years ago I thought it was too narrow but that night I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wonder how many are still around. There are some that are black with beautiful carving on it but this one does not have carving. I wish it did.

Well that is all I have for now. Until next time.
